Saturday, February 18, 2012

2 Months to Launch

After about 10 Years of dreaming and 2 years of serious planning we're now only 2 months away from setting off on a 14 week camping trip to the mighty Kimberley Region in North West Australia.

"Are you insane? 14 weeks of camping?!"  I hear you ask.

Well maybe we're mad, but in 2000 Daz and I started dropping spare coins in a tin with "Kimberley Trip" written in permanent marker on the side, and somehow the dream is is looking like it could become reality.

These days we have two daughters (Jessica & Matilda) - they will be taking time out of Year 2 & Prep to take a 14 week course at "The School Life" where hopefully they'll be graduating with honors in the"How to Avoid Getting Eaten by a Croc" course.

For the last 12 months we've been prepping the camper trailer and the Patrol for the big trip. Our latest list of mods are about fine tuning everything so that it'll be fast and easy to put the camper up and down. Daz has just finished a new kitchen light setup and installed an inverter and 4 port outlet in the back of the camper as well as 4 x 12v outlets as well. The last big ticket item is the long range fuel tank for the Patrol...but that's on the way.

This is what we'll be living out of for the trip. 

So the next big question is where are we going exactly. The map below should give you the general idea. Starting from Brisbane we head to Charleville, Mt.Isa and then to the NT.   After spending some time in the Kakadu and Darwin, off to the Kimberley's.   The trip home takes us through the Tanami desert to Alice Springs then back to Brisbane.   Overall its about 13,000 klm.